Our health check-up packages consisting of laboratory tests have been created by a gastroenterologist so that you can easily and quickly get an important and comprehensive overview of the health of your digestive system.

Liver health package - 105 euro
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Analysis of indigestion - 185 EUR
Hemogramm( 5 osaline)
Vit B12
Elastaas( roojast)
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The Food Allergy package - 79 EUR
Our health checkup packages consisting of laboratory analyses are created by the gastroenterologist to provide you with a simple and quick comprehensive overview of your digestive system's health condition. Liver health. Digestive disorder analysis. Food allergy package. The Food Allergy package allows to detect predisposition to hypersensitivity reactions to 7 food items: egg white, milk, wheat, fish, peanuts, soybeans, and shrimp (crustaceans).
The Heart Package Plus - 137 EUR
The health checkup package – The Heart Package Plus – consists of 13 blood tests recommended to people, whose whose cholesterol indicators are out of balance and need additional analyses to assess their individual risk for cardiovascular diseases. The package is also desirable for those whose families have had instances of early onset heart diseases or hypercholesterolemia, and who have previously measured higher than normal blood lipid values.
Anemic package - 82 EUR
The results of the 6 tests included in the package allow you to assess whether your constant fatigue might be due to anemia or a preceding condition. It also provides an overview of potential causes of anemia.
Alcohol Effects Package - 78 EUR
The alcohol impact package consists of 5 blood tests that provide objective information about possible damage and the severity of the damage to organ systems caused by alcohol consumption. These tests can also, if necessary, motivate a person to limit their alcohol consumption or to quit it altogether.
The cholesterol package - 15 EUR
One of the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases is elevated cholesterol levels. It does not cause any symptoms, but it silently and sneakily damages the cardiovascular system. The cholesterol package includes 4 crucial tests and provides an overview of your cholesterol levels and the main risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Woman's health and beauty package - 144 EUR
If you are a woman for whom, in addition to the main health indicators, the health of the skin, hair, and nails is important, the women's health and beauty package is just for you. It includes 12 blood tests, which play a significant role from the perspective of a woman's beauty, health, and self-satisfaction.
Men's health package - 113 EUR
If you are a man aged 35+ and wish to proactively monitor your health indicators, this package is exactly for you. The men's health checkup is also the right choice for you if you are already experiencing health problems, such as fatigue, weakness, issues in your sexual life, prostate discomfort, and more..
The heartburn package - 124 EUR
The heartburn package includes 4 tests that help to determine the causes of your stomach issues.. The results assess the condition of the stomach lining and whether the stomach lining is healthy or damaged due to helicobacter pylori infection and atrophic gastritis. In addition, based on the results, it is possible to determine the presence of over or Under acidity in the stomach, evaluate the possible causes or risks of the development of vitamin and mineral absorption disorders, and high risk gastric mucosal conditions associated with cancer.
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